Physical Fitness for Life
Coach Lesson Plan
Warm up – have your group run to a point you designate, then stretch, take roll. Don't spend too much time on the warm up.
Goal for Session 1 - How to keep eye on the ball and how to catch. Video Component.
Drill 1. Eye the ball/wave drill (do this in groups, group 1 and 2) have them run in place - Slap the football so they know the ball is in play - then point the ball in the direction you want them to go, i.e., above the head/jump, right goes right, left goes left, foot behind you means they run past.
Skill development:
1. Explain the football- why there are laces (because in older days it held the ball together, now they use them to position the hand). Head of the football - when ball comes toward you - and the tail where the hand is placed. Video Component
2. How to Catch - Thumbs out (low ball) thumbs in (catching high ball).
Discuss not catching the ball with the chest or to cradle it. Explain why the ball is tucked under the arm (so that it doesn't get knocked loose. Video
Young groups K-4th - Play Simon Says - thumbs in, thumbs out - little kids only. They need to practice catching before going to the next set of drills. Go down the line and throw the ball to them.
3. Drills
4. Stutter Steps - place 4 cones in a square. Put the students into a single file line. Have the student do a stutter step at each cone Video Component is available.
5. Routes– In and out patterns. Set up cones where they should run (use 3 cones, 1st cone is the starting point, 2nd cone is the where the student runs and stutter steps, 3rd con is where you want them to finish, ball thrown to this location). An In pattern the player runs up, then breaks towards the field of play, and an out pattern the player runs up and out from the field of play. Put your students into a single file line and have them run the routes (instructor throws the football). Have them catch it, tuck, and run back to line and drop the ball for the next student. Video Component.
6. Show them the positions by lining them up - explain that there will be no tackling.
7. Game for older students 5-12th. Coach Plays Quaterback for this session.
Younger groups k-4th will play pull the flag game (use cones to make a large circle or square, kids stand in it, blow whistle, kids pull flags from the opposite group. If they lose both flags they are out and this goes on until the last one is in the circle. You may blow the whistle several times during the game to make sure each student still has flags on. Play a couple of times.
Younger groups K-4th – numbers game – set up the goal and divide the team equally. Each team gets a number, call the number and they run out for the ball and run back through cones for a touchdown. You can also let them run out as you throw or kick the ball. They will play a game next week.

Flag Football
Flag Football Week 1 Lesson Plan
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