Physical Fitness for Life

EMH Sports Policies
Our coaches must take roll as soon as class time begins. Please be on time, as late arrivals are a distraction to the class. If you are not on our roster, it could mean you have to call our office and/or pay a deposit, so please make sure everything is clear before class. If you cannot attend a date, you do not need to tell us in advance. If you are going to miss many classes or the majority of students are going to a field trip or event, please contact customer service.
EMH Sports does not tolerate bad behavior from our students, parents, or coaches. This includes:
We appreciate it when someone notifies our office of any problems right away so we can stop it before it gets worse. We everyone to enjoy PE in a safe and fun environment!
EMH Sports requires proper dress: no sandals, bare feet, dangerous or loose items, no bare midriff or revealing clothes or offensive sayings. Your child may be asked to sit out or change if dressed improperly.
While EMH is a fully inclusive PE program that is open to students with special needs, the child must be able to function in the class without hampering instruction or requiring extra attention from the PE instructor. If directed by an individualized education program (IEP), EMH can provide one of our Adapted Physical Education instructors for one-on-one lessons or have the instructor assigned to shadow the student during a regular PE class. APE services must be approved through the child's homeschool charter and contracted with us before this service can be provided.
Changes and cancellations must be made in writing (via email) at least 2 business days before the class, specifying the reason, name(s), month(s), and class(es) affected. Please refrain from informing your coach or school separately, as we assume we have received the information. If EMH Sports cancels a class due to low enrollment, you can request a new class, month, or credit at no extra charge. For changes or cancellations made by you, there is a minimum $5 fee based on timing, class status, and the number of dates held. If proper notification is not received and the class was held, your EMH account will be charged for the full class. In cases where the school does not pay, the participant will be personally charged for the dates held. This fee applies regardless of attendance, and schools usually do not cover cancellation fees.
We will not cancel or credit a class date due to weather unless the coach determines that the class cannot be held. If so, we will make every attempt to notify you as soon as the decision is made. We always try to hold class if possible, so decisions might be made close to class time or even during class. This may mean that you do not get a notice or that the notice goes out late. Makeups will be announced within the week if we cancel. If we cannot make a class up, you will receive a credit. We are not able to credit for missed weeks if our coach did hold class.
Please note that makeups will only be offered if we cancel your class date and the coach determines that a makeup can be scheduled. Otherwise we will issue a credit. If you miss class for any reason, we are sorry but a personal makeup or credit is not currently possible.
1. EMH Sports offers discounts at the following rates for PREPAID classes only. (If using school funds, a full month's prepaid deposit is required for each class you want discounted. Schools do not prepay even if we get a PO.)
Earlybird orders (ordered and paid by the 20th of prior month).
Bulk orders (4 or more monthly classes ordered and paid at same time, for same month or multiple months, can be different students but in same family).
Our sibling discount is for 3 or more siblings ordering out of pocket only, in same month and class. The first 2 students are regular price (can also use discount #1 or #2). Student #3, 4, 5, etc can get a special pricing - see below)
Discounts cannot overlap. Please choose the one that works best for your family.
We do NOT PRORATE unless we fail to offer 4 sessions.
2. The regular price for all VIRTUAL group classes is $35
The discounted price in all cases (#1, 2, and 3) is $32.
We do not offer single day passes for virtual classes.
3. The regular price for all REGULAR IN-PERSON classes is $40.
4. Deluxe classes (1 makeup) are $45.
5. Premium (2 makeups) are $50.
Discounts #1 and #2 are $36/$41/$46
Sibling pricing (child #3, 4, 5...only) is $32/$37/$42
6. There are no discounts for single day in-person passes.
Holiday Schedule:
Labor Day
Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday)
Winter Break (see your class dates for exact schedule)
Good Friday
Memorial Day
These are the only dates we take off for holidays. Each class has 4 weeks, with the exception of December. If a 5th week is in the calendar month, it will only be used if needed as a makeup or due to a holiday. Some sports may begin or end in a different month due to scheduling needs.
Please be advised that EMH may have classes on some non-school days. We will not provide free makeups or credits for those dates if you do not attend. If your school does not pay for those dates parents must pay the difference out-of-pocket.-
Your "Dashboard" under Student Profiles tells you everything about your account status. You can always see your orders, payments, and class signups! Green and Red boxes indicate which children are cleared for each sport. Yellow boxes indicate Day Pass registration.
For each class we issue printable certificates for students who attended the month. These can be found under your "My Account" menu in the upper right. Be sure to download your certificates by the end of June if you want to print them!
Below is the EMH Pricing Sheet information. This pricing sheet can be reviewed when using discounts and registering for EMH Sports classes. For December, we offer 3 weeks of classes. Discounts only qualify for families paying out-of-pocket and not with school funding. For more information, please visit the Discounts and December page.
All Other Months
Original Price
Discounted Price
Original Price
Discounted Price
Sibling 3+
December Sibling 3+
Virtual Classes
Original Price
Skateboarding Lessons
Day Pass
Original Price
30 Min Extension
Any registrations placed after the deadline, or which need to be processed over the weekend or on holidays, will be subject to a $5 RUSH fee per child, max $10 per family automatically added to your shopping cart.
Deposits can be made out-of-pocket for various reasons. We will hold deposits until school funds are received, and then it becomes either a Locked Deposit or an EMH credit (no refunds on deposits unless you are closing your EMH account and no future classes).
Deposit Policies - Late School Funding
Our policy is that we must have school funds by NOON on the last business day before class in order for your family to participate. Otherwise, you will need to pay a $10 deposit per child to keep your registration active for Week 1 of class, whether you choose to attend or not. If you choose not to attend Week 1, you will still be responsible for payment that week, as we do not prorate when classes are held.
By Week 2, full payment is due, either with school funds or a deposit. If we do not receive a PO before the second class, a full month’s deposit will be required per child ($50 for Economy, $55 for Deluxe, or $60 for Premium classes). This deposit will be a “Locked EMH Deposit” so if your school is late on POs, your family is always cleared to play for one month. If we do not receive a PO or a full deposit by Week 2 per student, payment will be required for classes already held and your child may be dropped from our roster. To reactivate your registration, we will need payment and a written notice that you still want to attend. Additional fees may apply. For more information, please visit the Deposit page.
ATTENTION: Please register early!
Due to the volume of registration and payments we receive the week before class, if you register in the final week of a month, your registration may not be processed until the night before your class. Our registration team stays up late working if necessary, but our priority in the final week is to process registrations for the upcoming day. All registrations for the next day will be processed but it may be after midnight! Deposits help if schools are delayed in their funding. Students with proper registration, AP form, and a deposit are always clear to play. Thank you for your patience as we work to get every student clear!
We need time to process registrations, give coaches their Roster list, and send information to parents. Therefore, all registrations, permission forms, PayPal payments, checks, school vouchers, purchase orders, and all other required forms must be in our office 2 business days before class in order to avoid additional fees. Any registrations placed after the deadline, or which need to be processed over the weekend or on holidays, will be subject to a $5 RUSH fee per child, max $10 per family automatically added to your shopping cart. If your school is late paying, you must make a deposit to cover the cost of the class! You can register at any time during the previous month without incurring any late fees. We even have a discount if you prepay by the 20th (only families paying out-of-pocket may utilize discounts).
EMH Sports does not offer refunds, partial refunds, or credits for missed classes unless a class is cancelled by us. Once a payment is made, you are reserving a space for your child/children for the entire session. Cancellations or changes to registration for personal reasons cost a $5 fee. Your change requests and payment must be received 2 business days before class. After that deadline, you will be charged in full for the classes held, whether or not you attended. For more information, please visit the Refunds and Account Credits page.
School funds or personal funds may be used to pay for your registration. We accept personal checks, money orders, PayPal, and credit/debit cards. Please do not send cash by mail or try to pay the coaches, as they cannot process registrations or payments. Everything must be handled in advance through our website.
Though the procedure for getting your school funding may be different for each school, you must always register first with us on our site (by the parent or guardian) or your child will not be on the roster! School staff cannot place registration for you. All they can do is have payments sent. Once you register and we receive valid school funding, your child will be placed on the roster. Please make sure you check your Parent Dashboard for either red or green box, and if your child is not clear,r please contact our office, request funds with your school, and/or pay any required fees before coming to class. For more information, please visit the Paying for Classes page.
EMH Sports offers discounts at the following rates for PREPAID classes only. Discounts only qualify for families paying out-of-pocket and not with school funding.
Different Types of Discounts
Earlybird Discount - Monthly classes must be ordered and paid by the 20th of the prior month
Sibling Discount - For 3 or more siblings ordering out of pocket only (CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT). This order must be in the same month and class. The first 2 students are regular prices and the third student can qualify for the Sibling Discount
If you are paying out-of-pocket, please choose the discount that works best for your family as discounts cannot overlap. We do NOT PRORATE unless we fail to offer 4 sessions. For more information, please visit the Discounts page.
Before you can sign up for classes, you need:
Once you have completed all the previous steps, you will not need to do it again (other than AP form once per year), and all of the details will autofill.
When you are ready to register for classes, please:
Log in to your account
Search a class and register student(s)
Send payment either by mail (check) at least 2 business days before class, have your school pay us (you must arrange that with them), or use our website to Make a Payment.
ALL STUDENTS register in this manner, even if your school is paying for classes. For more information, please visit the School Funds - Policies and Procedures page.
If Class Was Cancelled By EMH:
If a class is canceled, we will try to find a good day to do a makeup, one that works with park availability and our coach schedule. If you cannot attend the makeup date, or if one was not held, you will receive a credit.
If Class Was Held:
If you miss a class that was in session for any reason, we do not give credit or free makeups for the missed class unless your registration includes it (Deluxe-level registration and Premium-level registration).
If you had an illness, doctors appointment, field trip, school testing, vacation, car trouble, weather looked unwelcoming, etc, you may purchase a Day Pass to attend a different location or sport.
If you bought an Economy class, makeups are not included but you can purchase a Day Pass for $12.50.
If you bought a Deluxe or Premium class and could not come, you have 7 days to contact customer service from the date of the missed class to order a new date. After that there may be a fee to get a makeup pass.
If you already remade a Day Pass once, it is $12.50 to remake it again.
Please note: You may request a pass to attend a different park near you, or a future date or sport at your regular park. If you want to attend additional days that month, please contact us to find out how to pay for the other dates.
If EMH cancels a class due to rain, coach emergency, etc, we will offer either a Makeup Class (a separate date from your scheduled classes) or Makeup Extensions (two 30-minute extensions will be added either before or after your regular scheduled class). To confirm your attendance, please log into your EMH account and on your Dashboard, click “Makeup Class/Extensions”. You will see an option to confirm your attendance. If you select yes, that will count as your response and your family will be added to the Confirmed Makeup Roster. If you select no, your attendance will be updated and you will receive a credit towards the end of the month.
For Makeup Classes, if you had a pass for the original date that was canceled, it is NO LONGER VALID. Please contact us to receive directions on how to re-register for the new makeup class with a Day Pass. For Makeup Extensions, it will require extra fees per child to attend the 30-minute extensions. Please prepay this amount so we can edit your pass. If you prefer, you can choose to come to the 60-minute class by notifying the coach at class and watching the time! If you can only attend on Makeup Extension, please contact Customer Service.
We need an accurate headcount and online responses on the Dashboard which will generate our Makeup roster (this roster is separate from the original class roster). If we do not get enough responses by NOON on the last business day before the makeup day, the makeup will cancel and you will receive a credit towards the end of the month. For more information, please visit the Cancellations page.
EMH Sports does not issue refunds in most cases unless we stop providing PE services to your location and/or you close your account completely with us. Classes canceled by us are always credited when a makeup is not offered. If we offer a makeup, you can choose to get a credit instead. Dates you miss that were held by us can be credited/made up. The cost depends on your original purchase.
Economy PE Classes do not have free makup/credits. You can buy a Day Pass to attend a different class. Our Deluxe and Premium products include more flexibility with making up missed classes. The Deluxe price includes one makeup per sport and the Premium price allows for two makeups. School funds will never be refunded to the parent, but can be credited for future use. For more information, please visit the Refunds and Account Credits page.
The cost of a month is less than our 4 single-day price when you buy all 4 weeks of a sport. Therefore, EMH Sports does not reduce the monthly price or credit for missed classes unless we actually cancel a class session. In that case, we may prorate for you or issue EMH credits. If you already paid for the first day at the park or used a Day Pass, you can prorate the cost of the full month. The actual value depends on your purchase price for the month and whether or not there were any discounts/add-ons. Please contact customer service to calculate the total prorated cost.
If you miss a scheduled class day for personal reasons (illness, field trips, late registration, car problems, too hot or windy, etc), we do not prorate or give credits for that day if we still hold class, but we do have some options for you. We offer Day Passes for purchase so that you can attend any park or date that we offer as a makeup day. Deluxe and Premium level classes include free makeup options if you notify us of an absence within 7 days. For more information, please visit the Prorating page.
Please review your registration carefully before you place them, and double-check everything before checking out. Unless changes are due to EMH Sports action (canceling or changing your class, for example), there is a $5 fee for any changes once we process your order. If you have no EMH credit or school funds we can use, an out-of-pocket payment is required.
If EMH Sports cancels your class, we will always offer a makeup day or EMH credit, depending on the situation. If you cannot attend a makeup day we offer, you will receive credit to your EMH account. If you wish to cancel a full or partial order for personal reasons, it must be done by 12:00 NOON the day before the class is held. Otherwise, you will be charged in full for the next day's class and any classes already held. If you cancel before the deadline, you will only have to pay the $5 cancellation fee.
If you cancel late and we already held a class, you can either:
Go ahead and pay for the full month, attend what you can, and get makeups for the missed dates in accordance with our makeup policies
Cancel the remaining dates and pay for the dates we already held at the day pass price. For more information, please visit the Cancellations page.
Refunds are not available for deposits in most cases. It can be used as EMH credit only, unless you are closing your account with us and the deposit was paid out of your own personal funds (not with school funds). If you have a deposit on your account, it is possible to request that it be turned into a credit. However, the deposit might be required to remain on your account if it is being used in place of unpaid classes. As long as the deposit stays on account, it will cover your children until we receive payment and we will allow you to use all of the perks of a deposit. The deposit will only be available to use once the funds it covers is received. School vouchers and purchase orders are not actual funds; we don't have payment until the sport ends and we can bill and receive a check. Schools pay us 30-60 days after we bill at the end of each sport.
If you are closing your account permanently with us and have a deposit left that you cannot use, you can transfer it to another family for free or discuss a possible refund with us, depending on how it was paid. In some cases, we can also refund your school. For more information, please visit the Deposit page.
- EMH Credits can be issued for a number of reasons (classes we cancel, referral credits, overpayment, etc). If you have EMH Credits, it will show on your Dashboard with descriptions of available credits and credits used. Your credit amount will also be displayed when you are checking out and can be automatically applied to your total amount. EMH credit can be used to purchase Day Passes, monthly registrations, deposits, and rush fees. For more information, please visit the
Deposits and credits are fully transferrable in most cases. If you give us the name of an account holder, we can transfer your funds to any other family!
You can also transfer any payment to a different park or month. There is a $5 Change My Order fee to do so unless we cancel or change our offerings. You may also owe for classes held if they already started.
In most cases, EMH Sports does not issue refunds unless we cancel your location and you cannot attend any of our other classes. We do not give refunds for money paid by schools or free/referral credits. We do not refund classes you missed that were held by us. We may be able to give you Account Credits, depending on the issue. You can also donate your credits to another family or our hardship scholarship fund. If you paid a deposit out-of-pocket or have other unused personal payments and are closing your account with us permanently, you can ask for a refund minus any cancellation or class fees owed.
Refunds to your school must be requested in accordance with their refund policies and can be complicated. There is no guarantee that your school will make that refund available to you for your use. If you feel you should have a refund for any reason, please contact our office and a customer service representative will work with you to come to a solution. Cancellation credits will take into account how you paid, the date you canceled (in writing via email, not orally), which classe(s) you bought, any discounts you used, classes that were held even if you did not attend, etc. For more information, please visit the Refunds and Account Credits page.