Physical Fitness for Life
Coach Lesson Plan
**Don’t spend too much time on drills as they need to play for at least 20-30 minutes.
Warm up – have your group to run to a point you designate, then stretch, take roll.
Goal for Session 2 - How to throw.
Skill development:
1. Review how to catch - thumbs in – thumbs out (spend only a couple minutes)
2. How to throw
Hand position on laces (Video Component)
Three step approach (Video Component)
Step out with right foot and bring ball up by ear.
Step forward with left foot transferring weight.
Point, but don’t release the ball in this exercise.
Drill: The older groups can throw the football back and forth to each other (put into groups of 4-5 students, only spend a few minutes on this exercise.)
Drill: The younger groups form lines, bring up half the group (make sure they do the steps) and have them throw as far as they can, then they can retrieve their footballs - repeat with next group. Each group should have 3 or 4 footballs to use.
3. All Levels play “quarterback challenge” (Video component) – set up three cone areas, see below, (make wide enough so that 2 people can throw at the same time). When they are done let them run out and retrieve their footballs, then bring up 2 more students. *Make sure the ones who are retrieving don't get in the line of throwing on their way back.
1. 1st set of cones is 25 points (five yards)
2. 2nd area of cones is 50 points (ten yards)
3. 3rd area of cones is 100 points (15 yards)
** For the younger groups make the areas closer than the suggested yards above.
4. Play a game - Please make sure you keep instructing the positions (older groups, Level 3 & 4 can have a student play quarterback - they must not just throw to friends. You can take turns choosing a quarterback if you want to (please give the girls a chance if they ask). If you need to, bring the diagram that was attached in Lesson Plan 1. for set up.
5. Younger group - they do not have to know the names of all the positions. Instructor plays quarterback for both teams. For the offensive side - the front line protects the quarterback, 2 of the players can flank and play wide receivers. They have 1 running back. On the defensive side - put an equal amount of students on the first line to match up with offense (tell them it's their job to get the running back or tag the quarterback before they throw), if you have enough have the 2 players as cornerbacks to cover the wide receivers, then the rest ot them can go in the back lines. Put 1 player further back to play safety. You can alternate the players so each gets a chance to play different positions.

Flag Football Week 2 Lesson Plan
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