Physical Fitness for Life
Coach Lesson Plan
Don’t spend too much time on drills as they need to play for at least 20-30 minutes.
Warm up – have your group to run to a point you designate, then stretch, take roll.
Goal for Session 3 - How to kick the football. Introduction to Kicking – two types: kickoff and punting.
Skill Development
1. Kickoff – Explanation: The ball is kicked off to start the game or put in play after a touchdown. The ball is placed on a kicking tee. Keep the ball slightly tilted towards the kicker. Have them kick under the ball, and not the belly of the ball or top portion of the ball. Kicking the belly makes it roll on the ground instead of up and out. The player that will kick takes a running start from a distance of 5-10 yards and strikes the lower part of the ball with toes.
2. Drill: Put your groups into 2 groups. Need about 4 balls per group. Have the first two in each group set up the tee themselves (the two posts are towards the back) let them kick, then retrieve the balls. While they are retrieving, have the next two step forward and set up the footballs. Video Component
3. Punt – Explanation: Punts on 4th down
Holding the ball in both hands with the laces facing upward, extend the arms forward. One hand should be on the bottom portion, the other up higher. Beginning with your right foot, step out first then left and when the right foot come up, drop it on top of the laces. Do this a couple of times and then let them kick on the 3rd step. Remember to have them point their toes and extend your kicking leg upward. If the ball goes over their heads, they are kicking with the tip of their toe upwards.
4. Drill: Have them mimic the steps first, then again put them into two groups, brining up two at a time. Video Component
5. Play game
Flag Football Week 3
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