Physical Fitness for Life
Coach Lesson Plan
Warm up – have your group run to a location of your choice, then stretch, take roll.
Goal for Session 4 - playing the game.
Play the game
Soccer Skill Games for PreK Groups
(parents stay near and help out with their child)
Coaches, these are some fun games that can be played with the small group of PreK-Ks (if you don’t have enough students to play a game of soccer.)
Steal the ball from the coach - you dribble the ball around in a circle of cones, the little ones can try and steal (feet only) it from you and take it outside of the cone area. Variation: Put two students in a circle at a time and let them try and take it from each other.
Red light green light.
Follow the leader - pick one of the students and have them dribble around and let the rest of the group follow them around the area you designate.
Kick Bowling - set up a triangle of cones 4 cones, each cone is worth a point. Then set up an area with a cone (about 5 feet away - you judge) and let them see if they can knock the cones down. They can take turns counting their points. You can designate one cone to be worth 5 points.
Numbers game - give each kid a number and throw out a ball - they dribble it back and see which ones make the goal.
Goalie - pick one student as the goalie - let a student dribble up to a certain point designated by cones, and try to kick a goal. Then that student takes the goalie’s place and the goalie gets in line with the other students.
Guppies and sharks - Make a large square with 4 cones and divide the group. Put all of the balls in the outer area. Guppies in the square the sharks out with all of the balls. Shark’s job is not to let the guppies get the balls into the square - this is a time game - give it about 2 minutes, then switch the groups.
Square box game - just like guppies and sharks, except you have divided the group into two - each team in a square. All balls out in the field in front of them.
Ball scramble - all balls are out in the field - blow whistle and they dribble them back to you. They keep going back out to the field until all the balls are with you or a certain area you designate.
Obstacle course - set up cones and discs - make a course that they have to dribble through.
Mimic - put two kids in front of each other with a ball in the center. Call out a body part, i.e., head (they put their hands on their heads) then say ball, and they try to reach down and grab it. You can call as many body parts as you like.
Soccer Week 4
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