Physical Fitness for Life
Coach Lesson Plan
Please see the added Javelin lesson plan at the bottom for ALL LOCATIONS.
Warm up – have your group run to a location and afterwards have them stretch, take roll.
Goal for skill development Lesson 2: Starts, Speed, and measuring shot put.
Divide the class into two groups: A (5-12th), B (K-4th) for 30 minute segments, then switch.
Skill Development: Warm up run, karaokes, backward leg extensions (we recommend for the younger groups who may have problems with karaokes to let them do high knees) Video component
Group A works on Starts and Dash
Explain that if they are at a track meet and their particular race is announced, they first need to stretch. Show some stretches they can do. Announcer will then tell them to get ready, set, and then blow the gun to begin the race. Below are the starts covered in this lesson plan.
Standing and kneeling starts
1. Drill: Standing start - dominate foot in front flat on the ground, back leg bent on toe, lean forward, one arm in front, other by waist. This is the start used for 800 meters and above. Line them up, shoulder to shoulder, and have them run using this start for about 10 yards. Video component
2. Drill: Kneeling start - demo as if they were using starting blocks - go down into a kneeling position, front left foot on the ground, knee of the right leg should be by the heel of left foot (about shoulder width apart). Place fingers of each hand on the line, thumbs in. Do not let them put their hands flat on the ground. They should lower their head and wait for the command ready- at set - they are going to lift their rear (almost like they are going to roll forward) and come up running after the whistle is blown. They should keep their head down for about 10 meters, and then slowly raise it. Remind them to lean forward when they get to the finish line. video component
Time the 40 yard dash (full speed, 100%)
1. Put group into two single file lines. Then measure with wheel to 40 meters and make a finish line using two cones. Blow your whistle and time the first two in each line. Give them their times and have them walk back with hands on their heads (outside of the cones) to the back of the line. Time the entire group.
2. Drill: If you have time - you can race them in groups to the 40 yards. We measure by yards for the 40 yard dash and meters for the 100 meter dash. If the yard stick we give you doesn't measure out yards/meters, here are some conversions.
1. 40 yards = 120 feet or 36.5 meters
2. 100 meters = 328 feet or 109 yards
Use the Stop Watch for Timing Students or if you have a smart phone you can use it as a timer.
1 student
1. Make sure the stop watch is cleared with all zeros showing. Ex- 0:00(00)
2. To "start" the timer, click the right side, to "stop" click the right side again. To clear the time back to all zeros, press the left side.
You will start the timer as soon as you blow the whistle and stop it as soon as the students pass the finish line. Tell the student their time, example (0:07(46) - 7 seconds and 46 milliseconds.
2 students
1. Make sure the stop watch is cleared with all zeros showing.
2. Start the timer by clicking the right side, to record the student who comes in first click the left side first(the time will freeze on the stopwatch but will still be going). As soon as the second student crosses the finish line click the right side again. That will record the second students time.
3. Tell the student who came in first the time that is on your stopwatch right now.
4. To see the second students time, click the left side again. Tell the second student that time.
5. Clear the stopwatch back to all zeros by pressing the left side again.
Group B works on shot put– measure distance.
Make a circle about 5-6 feet wide out of flat discs. Take out the tape measure and extend it about 70 feet. Attach the tape at the top of the circle with metal prong. This will allow you to measure without the tape moving. You can set cones every ten feet along the sides of the tape - V shape - for quick measuring purposes.
Drill: Show them the slide movement where they take two steps forward before throwing. Video Component
PreK groups will not throw the javelin and will continue practicing the shot put.
IMPORTANT: Only the older groups can throw the heavier turbo version – grades 6-12th.
1 Step Throw
With Running Technique
Mike's Overrall Steps
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc9AmWIt9hw --
It is important that you don’t let the students swing, jab, or horse around with the javelins. We don’t want anyone getting hurt and they are also fragile and expensive. Make an announcement with each group that if they do so, they will forfeit participating in this sport instruction.
**If you do not have adequate space (houses, people, pets in the throwing area) then only the foam javelins can be used! Mark off the boundary/distance where the thrower will need to stay in to throw (walk out about 15 steps). You can use either discs or cones. Use the large measuring tapes to measure throws.
Safety Tips:
Javelins remain on the ground until they are given permission to pick up.
Make sure they know the area they are throwing in.
Once they throw, they can’t retrieve until you give permission (same as with shot put). They are to carry back (not run) with point towards the ground).
Again, if they horse around with it, they can no longer participate in the skill and will need to be asked to sit out until they go to the next breakout of instruction.
Explain/demo in a group setting hand placement, where they run to etc.
To hold the Javelin properly:
1. Place in the fold of hand palm up – in the red taped area. It has to lie along the length of the palm instead of across it.
2. Make sure to keep the fist nice and relaxed, not tensed. Though there are several grips, we are going to keep it simple for PE by using the American grip.
3. Below are several ways to hold, but American is the easiest and the one to instruct.
4. Hold the javelin up near the head above the shoulder. The tip should point down towards the ground, parallel to the ground.
Throwing: Throwing can be tricky, but is all in fun at this point. As they begin to run the last two strides they turn their body so that the left hip (for right handed) is pointed towards the target area. The left leg crosses over the right as they pull the javelin back and they throw. Before bringing them up in groups, have them practice running and “fake” throwing so they know what they are doing. REQUIRED READING - Click here to see more Javelin Instruction

Track and Field Week 2
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